Saturday, July 24, 2010

Add Google Buzz Buttons with Share Counter to Your Blogger Blog in One Step.

You have Tweeter, you have Facebook an now it is time of Buzzing! And it is from our Google. Google launched it's social networking and messaging tool on Feb 2010. You can share links, text images, videos using Buzz. As per Wikipedia - Buzz enables users to choose to share publicly with the world or privately to a group of friends each time they post. And you have seen Buzz It buttons on the most of the blogs. now let's add to your blog.

Login to Blogger > Layout > Edit HTML > Expand Widget Templates. Look for the code

Now choose your any one of the following code and place AFTER

Buzz It


Buzz It


Code from 

Using the code user can select any text and/or image of the post and then can click on Buzz It button and that part will be posted. Here is the code
Buzz It

DEMO of This Google Buzz Button.

You can Change alignment and top margin of these buttons by altering value in red.

Finally save your Template.

UPDATEGoogle Buzz Button with Share Counter

Want any one of the above Google Buzz Button with Share Counter? Then AFTER
place following code

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